About XCy

Perth IT Solutions

There are a vast number of technology companies in Perth that provide a variety of different products and services for you to choose from. However, when considering who you might want to partner with for managing your IT services, XCy recommend that the following considerations are given to your selection.

  • Are you simply in need of IT support? If so, what most business owners, department heads, project managers and ICT Managers look for is a managed services provider (MSP) who works collaboratively with them through consultation to deliver the desired outcomes.
  • There are many elements to consider depending on the need for managed IT services. XCy believes that one of the most important elements to be cohesion. We want to work with you as efficiently as possible as a member of your extended team, ensuring that we are helping you and your business stay secure, keep your staff safe online and identify ways to make your systems more efficient.
  • Work with you to identify the elements and then roll out a Standard Operating Environment (SOE). Why? Because uniformity breeds efficiency which can be seen in a simple act of rolling out software updates to the management of devices and can be easily achieved and managed by the MSP. However, XCy does recoginise that there is a larger number of smaller/ start up firms who encourage their work force to ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) to enable them the comfort of familiarity. XCy believes this can be troublesome given some applications are not suited to run as efficiently on some devices as others. Further, the supporting of different devices can provide cost from a time management perspective given the variety of skills required.


XCy can assist with providing nonbiased information on each of the subject matters listed above. Why nonbiased, because we believe that should you trust us enough to use us as a sounding board, then given the opportunity to present our skill base and knowledge to you, we feel that you will inevitably engage us when required.

it support perth
it support perth

Managed IT Services in Perth

The most common question asked in relation to managed IT services is, should you host your data on your own physical infrastructure (services and other IT hardware), or host it in the cloud.

There are several factors that should be taken into consideration when making this decision. The answer is dependent upon the needs of your business and then determining what parts of your system are mission critical and what parts you can live without for a pre-determined period of time.

For example, if you host all of your files in the cloud, what will happen to your business if your cloud provider experiences an outage and your ability to access your data is not possible? Conversely, should your onsite servers crash, in this scenario too, you cannot access your data.

If your data is mission critical, then the idea of having the data replicated over both cloud and physical hardware makes sense. However, if you only have to access this data once every few days, then you might be able to live through a cloud outage every once in a blue moon and the need to host physical hardware is not necessary.

Whilst XCy will work in consultation with you and help to design a solution and network based on your requirement and expectations, our experience has taught us it is best to recommend and deploy hybrid solutions. For example, why not exploit a cloud solution to host the “smaller” portions of your data, files, and folders, with on premises infrastructure to host the “larger” data files and folders. A logical evolution to this basic solution is that you can always cache your files to a cloud service should the on site infrastructure fail.